Go Deeper… 1:1

  • Rest and Digest

    Finding our inner resting place, one of Self-acceptance and healthy boundaries, is key to digesting the foods and expressions we take in each day. If we’re in a constant state of stress, fear, guilt, or trauma, harmful hormone imbalance can halt the metabolism preventing us from breaking stuff down and moving forward. This state of unrest is truly what inflames the body and depletes the immune system, according to studies in psychoimmunology. As we release trauma from the body, the brain sends feel-good hormones to the nervous system allowing it to rest and digest. And as we rest more, the nerves signal to release more regulated hormones back to the brain in a positive feedback loop. It has been discovered that there are neurons all over the body, not just in our “head brain.” There is also a heart brain and an enteric (gut) brain with tons of neurons firing in communication with our emotional state.

  • Microbial Nature

    With the sterilization of the earth and overuse of antibiotic medicines, bacteria and pathogens have become resistant to conventional treatments. The delicate microbial nature of earth has become imbalanced, making it even more important to detox and replenish our bodies. The first step is honoring the boundaries of your state of health and relationship to Self, creating healthy nutritional habits that feed your essence, not the pathogens, toxicities, or traumas. Then gentle exercise will move things through, placing progressive oxidative stress on the body to regulate the heart and purify the lymph, fascia, and blood flow. As we clean the colon, we can also use cold therapy and infrared heat to reset the nervous system and boost immunity. And the best part! Each cleansing phase is followed by a rejuvenation phase. We are not depleting the body, we are simply removing layers to get closer to who we truly are.

  • What You Resist Persists

    Movement therapy can be expressed through dance, strength and resistance training, Trauma-Informed Yoga, Fascial Release, or anything that moves the body and breath to create more fluidity. Bodyweight exercises, yoga postures and breathwork establish core strength and flexibility that ground us and allow us to move through the stuck emotions that live in the fascial tissue. Unprocessed trauma (or disease) is also imprinted on the voice, causing the throat to become constricted and suppressing neocortex functioning so that it’s difficult to turn sounds into words. By returning to primitive, universal tones and chanting, we open up vocal passages and build new pathways to shape language, express, and connect. The voice is also connected to the Vagus Nerve, the longest cranial nerve behind feelings of safety and wellbeing. Leading with the heart, we re-train the body to release and keep it moving.

Online Group Classes

  • Vagus Nerve Toning Online Class

    10:00-10:45am Every First Saturday

    An exercise class to tone a resilient Vagus Nerve, the longest cranial nerve in the body behind our feelings of safety and wellbeing. Includes yoga therapy, fascial release and exercise, self-massage techniques, cold therapy, vocalization and breathwork, and meditation.

  • Creatively Combatting Chronic Illness Virtual Community

    11:00-11:45am Every First Saturday

    In community, we can truly nourish ourselves with a shared connection of practice and a plan of attack against illness, depression, and discomfort. This is a nutritive monthly community meeting to discuss Lyme Disease, autoimmunity, and psycho-spiritual disorder.

Fitness and Nutrition for the Hormones…

Did you know inflammation increases weight gain, which leads to leptin and insulin resistance? So, if you're looking to lose weight or prevent diabetes, reducing inflammation is key. An anti-inflammatory diet also helps lower stress levels and improve sleep quality, which both contribute to weight gain.

Subscribe to receive a monthly meal plan and exercise plan for weight loss, sent to you in two easy-to-read downloadable documents including:

  • A meal plan using specific metrics to kickstart a sluggish metabolism and boost vital hormones for weight loss, including recipes, portion sizes, and a detailed shopping list

  • An easy and quick exercise routine for the month using fun bodyweight and HIIT exercises you can do from home

  • Access to instructional resources on nervous system regulation, breathwork, and more!